content pane, and add the menus and toolbars of the documents in the frame.install(JFrame parent, boolean scrollable, boolean hasLoggerArea, int loggerRows)
that you wanted to have a logger area, it will also add a logger at the bottom of the frame.JFrame
.DefaultScriptManager manager = new DefaultScriptManager(); manager.setScriptLogger(new DefaultSwingScriptLogger()); manager.addXULScript(file); // the second (boolean) argument specifies that the Swing component will be scrollable // the third (boolean) argument specifies that there will be a logger // the last (int) argument specifies the number of lines of the logger manager.install(this, true, true, 10);We will have this result:
for your XUL document which you can use wherever you wantJToolBar
s for your XUL document which you can use wherever you wantCopyright 2008-2020 Herve Girod. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the LGPL licence