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File picker

The FilePicker class is available in all scripts to create a file picker.

FilePicker API

The FilePicker has the following interface:

public class FilePicker

Modifier and Type Method and Description
boolean appendFilters(String description, String extensions)
Add a file filter to the FilePicker
File getFile()
Return the selected File
void init(Object parent, String mode)
set the mode of the FilePicker, usable in all scripts, including Javascript scripts. The parent can be a XULDocument or a XULWidget, or even be null
void init(XULWidget parent, String title, String mode)
Same method for non Javascript scripts
int show()
Show the FilePicker chooser an return the value


The FilePicker.init(Object, String, String) and FilePicker.init(XULWidget, String, String) methods allow to initialize the FilePicker.

The parent can be a XULDocument or a XULWidget, or even be null.

The String mode can be:
  • "openMode" to set the FilePicker in Open Mode
  • "saveMode" to set the FilePicker in Save Mode
For example (in Javascript):

      var filepicker = new FilePicker();
      filepicker.init(document, "openMode");    

Append filters

To append a filter, you have to use the FilePicker.appendFilters(String, String) method.
  • The first parameter is the description of the filter (for example "XUL Files")
  • The first parameter is the specification of the filter (for example "*.xul; *.xml")
For example (in Javascript):

      var filepicker = new FilePicker();
      filepicker.appendFilters("The XUL files", "*.xul");      

In Groovy:

      FilePicker filepicker = new FilePicker();
      filepicker.appendFilters("The XUL files", "*.xul");      


In Javascript):

      <window title="FilePicker" width="400" height="400" 
            function open() {
              var filepicker = new FilePicker();
              var parent = document.getElementById("open");
              filepicker.appendFilters("The XUL files", "*.xul");
              filepicker.init(parent, "Select File", "modeOpen");
              var ret = filepicker.show();
              if (ret == filepicker.returnOK) { 
                var text = helper.getText(filepicker.file);
                var textbox = document.getElementById("text");
                textbox.value = text;
            <menu label="File">
                  <menuitem id="open" label="Open" oncommand="open()"/>
         <textbox id="text" multiline="true" value=""  cols="30" rows="20"/>  

See also

Categories: scripts

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